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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I look after my solar panels?

Solar panels are very low maintenance. One year after the installation, we provide a free service. After this you will need a service every two years to keep them working efficiently.

How green is our company?

Our aim is to minimise our impact on the environment and provide affordable solar hot water systems in our local community. We always design our systems to be as efficient as possible, both for the environment and the customer. We only work in our local area to keep our driving to a minimum and save fuel. We use recycled paper products and recycle all our waste where possible.

How does fitting solar water heating help the environment?

Over the past 200 years people have burned huge amounts of fossil fuels eg. oil, gas and coal. This has released carbon dioxide into the Earth’s atmosphere, which has been locked away since the age of the dinosaurs. The carbon dioxide is causing the temperature of the planet to rise and the climate to change. This is very dangerous for all life on earth, including humans. We need to find ways to reduce our use of fossil fuels to stop the climate changing further.
Using energy from the sun releases almost no carbon dioxide and saves our precious fossil fuels, which will run out in time. By fitting solar panels you are making a real contribution to the future of our planet.

Can I get any financial help towards the cost of fitting solar water heating?

Domestic systems are theoretically eligible for Government Support under the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI).  However, in a similar way that the financial support for PV solar systems has been curtailed in recent years, the support is low and relies on the installer being accredited on the Government endorsed Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS).  Whilst Northumbria Renewables was previously accredited, together with many professional installers we have been forced to review that position.  Regretably, we now feel that due to the ongoing costs associated with the MCS scheme, it is in the interests of both our customers and our business to offer solar thermal installations outside of the MCS / RHI system.   

We endeavour to provide customers with a service, design, equipment and installation that not only meets but exceeds the MCS standards but without the associated additional costs.  This in our view, provides the best value for our customers and allows us to continue to provide solar hot water systems and servicing.  In many ways we are back to where we were before Government support was mooted and customers are able to enjoy the benefits of solar water heating without the complications of the MCS / RHI scheme.  The sun is still shining and solar hot water is still a very attractive option.

The Non-Domestic (Commercial) Renewable Heat Incentive pays 10.75p per kWh of heat generated for a twenty year period on commercial solar hot water systems.  For systems over 45 Kw and below 200Kw capacity no MCS certification is required. 

How much sunshine do you need?

The weather does not have to be hot and sunny for your solar panels to heat your water. Between April and September you can produce nearly all your hot water with a correctly sized solar hot water system. During the winter your solar panels will warm your water and your boiler will have less work to do to ensure that your water is always hot. Over the year you will be able to produce at least 60% of your hot water from the sun significantly reducing your bills and your carbon footprint. The panels we use are very efficient at heating your water even in cloudy weather.

How does it work?

The solar tubes or panels are filled with a frost proof liquid.  This liquid heats up when the sun shines and is pumped through pipes to your hot water tank.  As the liquid passes through a coil of pipe in the hot water tank it heats the water. The hot water can then be used for showers, baths etc. The control box makes sure that the water is automatically heated whenever the sun is shining.

What is a solar hot water system?

A solar hot water system is made up of solar panels or tubes which are fitted on your roof; a hot water storage tank in your house; pipes and a pump to move the heat around the system, and an electrical control box which switches the pump on and off.