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Servicing & Maintenance Case Studies

Most failures in solar heating can be prevented by correct installation in the first instance and then regular servicing thereafter.  Servicing should pick up any small problems, which can be cured prior to them causing a malfunction in the proper working of the system.  All common sense, but some systems have not been serviced for many years and suffer as a result.

We are quite regularly asked to take over the servicing and maintenance of systems installed by others.  This often occurs when a house changes hands or the original installer is no longer trading. Unfortunately in some cases, it is because the customer has been unable to resolve a problem with the original installer.  In these cases we survey both the problem and whole solar heating system and provide a written recommendation and quotation for a solution.

The good news is, that although problems do arise with solar water heating systems, it is usually due to poor quality workmanship or a lack of knowledge on the part of the original installer, rather than failure of major component parts such as the solar collectors.  This means that repairs are often not too expensive, and can improve the hot water output immensely.

Common Problems

Leaks in the solar circuit.  These cause a loss of the solar antifreeze solution, sometimes to the point where there is not enough fluid left in the circuit for it to function correctly, but more usually they are identified by the excessive noise made during solar pump activation. Leaking joints and failed automatic air vents or expansion relief valves are the usual culprits.  These can usually be easily replaced and the solar circuit re-filled with new antifreeze.

Occasionally, a lack of fluid is so extreme that it results in pump failure as the pumps are lubricated by the solar antifreeze fluid.

Insulation Failure. Temperatures in the solar circuit (outside of the collectors) can easily reach 130oC at stagnation on a typical summer's day.  This is normal, but it means that the pipe insulation must be up to the job.  Normal hot water pipe insulation is rated at less than 100oC and literally melts away from the pipes at this point.  It must be replaced with solar pipe insulation.  Another common finding are sections of uninsulated pipe.  Once the sun has heated the solar fluid, then every effort must be made to transfer useful heat to the domestic hot water.  Heat loss from pipes drastically reduces the efficiency of the whole system and should be reduced to an absolute minimum.

Components missing or positioned incorrectly

Sensors incorrectly positioned, missing, incorrectly wired

Failure of plumbing components - wrongly specified




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